Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Welcome- to Schoolovision 2011!

2011 Eurovision Song Contest- DÜSSELDORF, Germany, 14 May 2011

“Schoolovision 2011”- May 2011

Following a similar format to the Eurovision Song Contest, Schoolovision 2011 will once again allow one primary school from all eTwinning countries wishing to participate, to record and upload a song of their choice, to be viewed by all other participants in the project.
In addition, all countries will be asked to evaluate and vote for their favourite songs after they have listened to all the others- and of course, voting for yourself will not be allowed!
You and your class will have until Friday 6th May to decide upon your song, practise it, video it, and get it uploaded onto the project blog website, using either the video upload section within www.blogger.com, or by using YouTube, or both. You may also wish to use uploading sites such as http://www.vimeo.com/  Once all songs are uploaded, you will need to get your class to watch all the other countries' entries and decide who will receive your votes. This should be done in the week from Friday 7th May until Thursday 12th May.
On Friday 13th May 2011, you have two choices. You can either join the team for a group webcam conference, starting at 9.00am UK time, where we will announce our votes to each other and total the votes up, so we can establish the winner. Or, if this is not possible, you will need to email your votes to Michael Purves, the project co-ordinator BEFORE the live webcam voting takes place. This way, we will be able to successfully total all the votes from all the countries and announce who are Schoolovision champions for 2011. The winning school will be sent a specially commissioned trophy!

1. Only one school from each country will be allowed to enter.

2. Schoolovision is for primary schools only.

3. Once you have agreed to enter and submitted your request to the project coordinator, Michael Purves you will receive an invitation to become a partner in the project, via the eTwinning portal, www.etwinning.net

4. The song you choose to sing should be be one of your choice, hopefully chosen in collaboration with your pupils, and can be sung in any language. It cannot be a well-known song, as we wish to make sure that all participants have an equal chance of success. This will also ensure no possible problems with copyright issues. If you need to get ideas, please look back at the 2010 entries from either Croatia or Finland- both used songs that were about the environment- these are good ideas, but you could also consider folk songs, again that have no copyright issues.

5. Musical accompaniment is permitted- but only in the following way. Members of your class (your pupils) who wish to play musical instruments can do so, and your song can have adult help who could for example, play a piano or a keyboard to lead the tune of the song. Alternatively, you can use a CD for the tune (but without the original singer's voice) - but your children MUST do the singing!

6. All entries should be completed by Friday 6th May. When your song is ready, you upload the video of your song to the blog, via www.blogger.com using either the “upload video” section of the site, or by uploading your video to YouTube, then copying and pasting the embed code into your blog post. All files MUST be uploaded by Friday 6th May, as each country will then need to watch all the entries and judge them during the following week- Monday 9th- Thursday 12th May.

7. Once you and your pupils have watched each entry and chosen your favourites, either email your choices to Michael Purves, before Friday 13th May, or you can give your votes, live, via webcam conference on Friday 13th May. YOU MUST NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN ENTRY!

GOOD LUCK to all countries, and enjoy making your entry, and listening to all the other entries!

Michael Purves
Project founder