Enjoy our song in our own languaje. (Basque - euskera)
It talks about taking care of Nature, recycle.
Nature's "pet" is a dog: GARBI (Clean)
Our School students had to choose a music and invent the lyrics about Nature. We had a contest and here is the one that won it.
Reciclaje from Inazio on Vimeo.
Ingurugiroaren laguna Garbi da,
Natura zaintzen dabil Garbi guztion laguna.
Zaindu natura
mendi eta ibaiak
maite natura
itsaso eta eta hondartzak
txukun eduki
herri eta hiriaa
garbi mantendu
txoko eta bazterrak.
Zaborrak bere tokira
Plastiko, paper, beira ta kartoiak
Zaborrak bere tokira
Berziklatu dezagun Garbiren laguntzaz
Ingurugiroaren laguna Garbi da,
Natura zaintzen dabil Garbi guztion laguna.
Garbi laguna
txori ta arraiena
haurren laguna
aittitte ta amamena
Garbi txakurra
jolasten alaiena
kanta dezagun gure Garbi aurrera.
Zaborrak bere tokira
plastiko, paper, beira ta kartoiak
Zaborrak bere tokira
berziklatu dezagun
Garbiren laguntzaz
Well done Basque Country on a great entry! Very enjoyable to listen to.
Good luck from Scotland!
To all over there in the Basque Country,
We think you did a fine job on both the song and the video!
Good luck from Belgium!
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