Monday, 16 May 2011

The final voting table...

Maybe you wonder which countries gave your song which points?  You could watch the flashmeeting again (see link below) or you can analyse this table...  Have fun doing so!

You can click on the image to watch it fullscreen!

Saturday, 14 May 2011


Here's the list of all results.

place country points
1st Czech Republic 250
2nd Germany 197
3rd Poland 184
4th Estonia 150
5th Wales 109
6th Lithuania 94
7th Finland 84
8th Cyprus 74
9th Greece / Romania 55
11th Malta 43
12th Italy 39
13th Austria 38
14th Belgium 32
15th England / Netherlands 28
17th Norway 27
18th Croatia / France 24
20th Bulgaria / Scotland 23
22nd Denmark / Slovakia 10
24th Portugal 7
25th Basque Country 6
26th Sweden / Slovenia 5
28th Ireland 0

Friday, 13 May 2011

The results

Problems with the Blogger website have prevented me getting the results online today- they will appear over the weekend, but you can view the replay of today's live FlashMeeting vote here. It was a very exciting live vote again, and many congratulations to the team from the Czech Republic for their fantastic victory in Schoolovision 2011!

Well done from all of us!


Sunday, 8 May 2011


See how little time is left until our final voting on Friday.
May the excitement grow and may we all enjoy watching (and not to forget: supportively commenting on) each other's videos until we will finally be able to announce the winner of Schoolovision 2011!

England' s Entry Church Aston Infant School

Hi Everyone,
We have entered our favourite song. It is a traditional song we sing in school frequently because the children love the words, the actions and the tune. They are never squeamish about the poor old red rooster even though he gets made into a stew!It is American we think. Anyway we are singing in English.
We had several takes to get this version and had to dodge the helicopters flying over our school. Prince William and Prince Harry used to fly over last year when they were doing their helicopter training!
We are having fun watching and listening to the songs each day. Well done everyone.
All the best from Church Aston Infant School.
I will try to get a better version of our video to view is on it's way to Vimeo but is taking a long time to upload.

Schoolovision 2011 Church Aston Infant School from Anne Garner on Vimeo.

Czech Republic entry

Hello, everybody.
ZŠ Husova Brno from the Czech Republic is here again. Our song is about our favourite season - spring. This song was written by Inka Rybarova and it speaks about child´s plays and activities during springtime. We hope you will like it.

Belgium - I'm into folk!

Hello to all Schoolovisioners!

We had a lot of fun singing this Belgian folksong and we hope you all like it!

The song keeps getting better and the videoclips keeps getting funnier, so please turn up the volume, start dancing and watch it untill the end!

You can view our HD-video:// or our normal quality video here:

We want to thank Galley Head for playing the instruments and Bart Peeters for writing the song!

Good luck to everybody in the contest!

Kind Belgian regards!

The kids from Qworzó

Finland's entry: You Control The Climate Change

We made this song to remind people of climate change as it hasn't vanished. We all have to do our part. The music and lyrics are by teacher Mika Vanhanen and 33 singers from 4-6th grade, Otso (10 yrs) as Frank The Frog. We come from Eno Primary School.

HD version (best quality)

If you have problems with HD, try this normal version (average quality):

You Control The Climate Change!

I’m Frank The Frog, take part in ENO
Our task is a big one so listen, please don’t go.
We have a global problem, it is the climate change
But we have the power to make a change.

Turn down. Switch off. Recycle. And walk.
Four small changes: We act, we don’t just talk.
Make your pledges so Earth remains
You control the climate change

The heat is melting the ice at the Poles
sea levels rising who will save our souls?
Floods and storms we don’t need them more
climate change is knocking on the door.

Turn down. Switch off. Recycle. And walk.
Four small changes: We act, we don’t just talk.
Make your pledges so Earth remains
You control the climate change

It’s not just people who make this possible
governments and industries they are responsible
We will together prevent this tragedy
So make us happy and put your pledge in me!

Plant a tree, two or three in the end of May
Tiny drops will form a sea of action every day
You are in let it burn like Frank, you’re far from zero
A step by step you will turn into a climate hero
H – E – R – O !

Turn down. Switch off. Recycle. And walk.
Four small changes: We act, we don’t just talk.
Make your pledges and make the change:
You control the climate change
We control the climate change.

36° in Germany

Even though our school's song contest started in winter, it proves the right timing for us to present the winner of our internal contest just now, while we are enjoying a summer-like atmosphere and are already dreaming of the summer holidays that aren't very far away, anymore.

So, we do hope that you may enjoy with us the summer feelings that are brought about by "36 Grad"!


Thanks so much to the authors of this song and to all kids and grown-ups who have shared their skills in producing this entry.
Especially, I would like to mention and thank our school's musician Ecki, who always prefers not to be mentioned and now simply has to cope with it for a change.

Scotland's entry: Killiecrankie

Hello to everyone from us in Scotland.
In 2011, we are singing the old Scots song, Killiecrankie. It was written by famous Scots poet, Robert Burns. As it's in Scots, it might be difficult to follow, so the words are underneath for you to follow!

Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad!
Whare hae ye been sae brankie O?
Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Cam ye by Killiecrankie O?

An ye had been whare I hae been,
Ye wad na been sae cantie O;
An ye had seen what I hae seen,
I'th' braes o' Killiecrankie O.

I faught at land, I faught at sea,
At hame I faught my Auntie, O;
But I met the Devil and Dundee
On th' braes o' Killiecrankie, O.

An ye had been whare I hae been,
Ye wad na been sae cantie O;
An ye had seen what I hae seen,
I'th' braes o' Killiecrankie O.

The bauld Pitcur fell in a furr,
An' Clavers gat a clankie, O;
Or I had fed an Athole Gled
On th' braes o' Killiecrankie, O.

An ye had been whare I hae been,
Ye wad na been sae cantie O;
An ye had seen what I hae seen,
I'th' braes o' Killiecrankie O.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Irelands entry A Mhuire a Mhathair

This is the Irish entry in our native language with tin whistle accompanying, we hope you enjoy it!

Untitled from Rebecca Cullen on Vimeo.

Bulgaria - Neveno mome

Hello dear friends,
Bulgaria is well known all over the world with the special musical rythms and wonderful voices. There are plenty of national songs that worth introducing but we decided to perform
a folklore song named " Neveno mome" ( Nevena means Marigold/ Calendula - it is a girl`s name). We hope everybody will feel and enjoy the playful and naughty melody.

Greece-Varka Gialo

Hello from Greece!Our song talks about a happy couple that goes for fishing together! They are singing and enjoying the beautiful sea and their happy life together!
Good luck to everybody.... See you soon!!!

Hello from Slovenia, Prebold PS

Dobrodošli na Schoolovision 2011!
Smo iz Slovenije in radi prepevamo. Vso srečo vam želimo.

Hello again from Slovenia!
"Pismo" (A letter) is a song written by Svetlana Makarovič, our famous modern poet, writer and an actress. She wrote the music too.
This song is a part of our school musical and we want to share it with all of you because we are really proud of it.

The song is about a little squirrel who writes a letter to her aunt in which she thanks her for a hazelnut she sent her niece the last time. It was really delicious, but it was only one and even the thought of it now makes the little squirrel dribble!! She wants her aunt to send her kilos of hazelnuts to show her how much she loves her. Finally she sends her love to her uncle and lots of kisses to her aunt.

Enjoy watching the video and good luck to all!
May the best song win!


Poland - Fly with me

Fly with me from Marek Fularz on Vimeo.

Polish children's song about fun, friendship and imagination of children.

Would you like to tell you about one of the summer days
I was playing in a meadow when someone whispered to me
I have a big problem because I'm still alone
Although I know thousand games, there is nobody to have fun

Fly Fly with me highly
I'll take you with me where are the stars
Together will say hello the clouds
The king of butterflies gave me driving license
Maybe on the top of The Little Prince
Today will be a grand ball again
I'll take the smell of flowers from the meadow
On the stellar harp I will play 

Wales- "Adiemus"

Bore da pawb!

Here is our entry for Schoolovision 2011.
The song, 'Adiemus' was composed by Karl Jenkins who is from South Wales and is a friend of our pianist, Darryl Evans.
We will also be singing this song as part of our performance in the finals of the Bridgend Schools Choir Competition.

The Welsh entry for Schoolovision 2011 from Llangewydd Juniors on Vimeo.

Pob lwc i bawb!
Good luck to everyone!

Portuguese Entry: "Laurindinha"

Our Portuguese Song is a traditional folk song from Alentejo where our students live in Vimiero.

Ó laurindinha O Laurindinha ( a girl's name)
Vem à janela Come to the window
Ver o teu amor See your love
Ai ai ai que vai para a guerra Oh Oh Oh boy that goes to war
Se ele vai para a guerra If he goes to war
Deixai-o ir Let him go
Ele é rapaz novo He is a young boy
Ai ai ai ele torna a vir Oh boy makes it come
Ele torna a vir He will come
Se Deus quiser If God wants
Ainda vem a tempo Yet the time comes
Ai ai ai de arranjar mulher Oh Oh Oh he will arrange a woman

Portuguese song from Carla Vieira and Inácio Freire on Vimeo.

Introduction to Portugal

Welcome Europe!
Good Luck to all!
A big hug from your friends and teachers Carla Vieira (English teacher), Inácio Freire (Music teacher) and Class 5thC - Arraiolos, Portugal

schoolovision 2011 Presentation Arraiolos-Portugal from a on Vimeo.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Italy-Tarantella italiana

Hello from primary school 3° Circolo L.Pirandello, Bagheria Italy
This year we celebrate 150° of Union of Italy so our song describes the beauty of Italy: sea, beach, fruit, gardens and flowers, and also talks about Puppet and Pinocchio .
The pupils are wearing T-shirt with colours of our flag.
We wish everybody Good luck !

Tarantella Italiana from Bagheria III Circolo on Vimeo.
etwinning, schoolovision 2011 Italy entry

The Basque Country - GARBI LAGUNA


Enjoy our song in our own languaje. (Basque - euskera)
It talks about taking care of Nature, recycle.
Nature's "pet" is a dog: GARBI (Clean)

Our School students had to choose a music and invent the lyrics about Nature. We had a contest and here is the one that won it.

Reciclaje from Inazio on Vimeo.


Ingurugiroaren laguna Garbi da,
Natura zaintzen dabil Garbi guztion laguna.

Zaindu natura
mendi eta ibaiak
maite natura
itsaso eta eta hondartzak
txukun eduki                                                                   
herri eta hiriaa                                                                 
garbi mantendu
txoko eta bazterrak.

Zaborrak bere tokira
Plastiko, paper, beira ta kartoiak
Zaborrak bere tokira
Berziklatu dezagun Garbiren laguntzaz

Ingurugiroaren laguna Garbi da,
Natura zaintzen dabil Garbi guztion laguna.

Garbi laguna
txori ta arraiena
haurren laguna
aittitte ta amamena
Garbi txakurra
jolasten alaiena
kanta dezagun gure Garbi aurrera.

Zaborrak bere tokira
plastiko, paper, beira ta kartoiak
Zaborrak bere tokira
berziklatu dezagun
Garbiren laguntzaz

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Song The Netherlands

Hello everybody,

After weeks of practicing the song and shooting and editing the video we can upload our song for the contest.
Excuse us for the bad quality of the movie. We will make it better!

The song is called: Feest voor iedereen. It means: A party for everybody.
It's about the people in the world that are working a lot and earning a lot of money to buy
big houses and cars. Because of that the people don't have time to have fun anymore.
That's why we say: A party for everybody and have fun, all over the world.


SONG FROM MUMMY from aurelija on Vimeo.

Cyprus "O paliatsos" (The clown)

Hello from sunny Cyprus!

Enjoy our song about a clown-paliatso (in greek) who knows well how to laugh and cry and sings the specific song in order to be heard throughout the country, spread his smile and make many paliatsos appear!!
Our warm wishes to our European friends!!
Good luck to everyone!!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Virje Croatia song "Široke so virovske Širine"

Hello from primary school prof. Franje Viktora Šignjara, Virje Croatia!
This year we have a traditional folk song.
The song describes the beauty of Podravina (a region of Croatia) with its green meadows, vineyards, the woods and charming landscape. The pupils are wearing traditional Virje costumes.
Good luck to all!
Video in mpeg2 codec.

Široke so virovske Širine from dherbai on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Austria - "The Wild Boar Song"

Untitled from VS Wildbach on Vimeo.

The Austrian children decided to sing just this song because
they really like the music and the text :

This song tells us about the life of the boar:

The wild boar is a pig with bristles, hair and tusks.
It always has to look for food by himself and doesn't have
the possibility to get the food in a pot from the farmer as the pig.
It lives in the wood and not in the stable with the farmer.
The wild boar likes to take a bath in swamps and pools.
If it is ready it walks away with black stockings.
If wild boars have babies, they are very dangerous.
Then I would not like to meet them alone!

We like the wild boar even if it is not very popular with most people!!!

All the best wishes to our friends in Europe!

The Maltese Song - "A Song for Maltese Children"

Schoolovision2011 from videos on Vimeo.

How wonderful to live in a world full of joy and peace away from war and distruction!
Dear children around the world, join us in singing our song…
“We don’t want any worries…We don’t want any wars.
Around us peace and friendship…And nothing we want more.
Let’s tour around the whole world…Announcing joy and peace
Telling everybody that we are all Maltese.”

Estonia "Children of the clock"

Our song is about a clock. Some children live there and every day they come out to play and in the evening they go back.

Good luck to everybody!

Monday, 2 May 2011


Vystúpenie pre Úniu slabozrakých 14.11.2010 2/3 from DFS Venček on Vimeo.

Kamera: Marián Fordos, Strih: Ľubomír Baran

Here is the entry from Slovakia :-)

Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Swedish entry

When I was four years old, my dad gave me a teddy bear. I called him "The Teddybear Fredriksson". He was my best friend for many years. Now I am married and have a child of my own, and on his fourth birthday he had a gift from me, and it was "The Teddybear Fredriksson".